Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1995 Laura

Dear Reader,

I thought I might type out an old journal entry from 9 year old Laura.  I was looking over my old journal from 1995 and always am amused.  Here is a piece:

"April 19, 1995

Dear Diary,

Today we went down to the creek near my omas house.  It was fun.  Stephanie, Paul and I made a club we called it the secret club.  It is very pretty down there.  We have a hole in a hill where we put tresure, there is 3 or 4 bridges down there that go across the creek too.  There is a hill that looks like a cliff, so we call it the cliff.  If someone wants to start a meeting then they would go AAIAA!!  really loud.  The creek down there is clean and there is lots of evergreens.  At the farm there is even beaver dams its fun, not boring like the city."

1 comment:

Steph said...

not so secret anymore, is it schwester!? :) haha..
i don't remember that secret yell.. and i thought it was never never land..
i miss that place..
write more!