Monday, June 16, 2008

A Walk in the Dark

Thoughts from C.S.Lewis's, "The Silver Chair".

Jill, Eustace and Puddleglum all fell down into the Underworld after their escape from Harfang. Imagine the dread that must have filled each one as they sat in the darkness awaiting the unknown.

You see, they had fallen into the Underworld almost by accident. They had a faint idea that Aslan required them to be under the large rocks above them, and yet they did not know for certain why they were there, what their mission was or if they would ever get back to the surface again.

They waited in the darkness until a voice came to them. The voice of the Warden of the Underworlds. He and all of his men took the three travellers into the depth and darkness of the Underworld to be brought before the witch. As they went deeper and deeper down, and as they got further and further from the surface of the earth, what must they have been thinking?

"Will we ever see the sun again?"
"Will we be down here forever?"
And perhaps, "We made a mistake somewhere along the way...surely we must have!"

And yet...the Underworld was exactly where they were meant to be. The Prince, who they were meant to save was trapped in the Underworld and they were on their way to get him. Yet, the idea of it all sent chills up and down my spine. There they were, trapped in the darkness, taken hostage by Underworld men and yet that was the plan, that was exactly what was meant to happen in order for them to find the Prince!

How often have we found ourselves in the dark? How often have we thought, "surely, I must be on the wrong track! Something has gone horribly wrong and I shall never see the sun again."

And yet, don't lose heart! Perhap the very reason why you find yourself in strange and unknown territory, is because you need to cross that territory in order to find yourself doing exactly what you were meant to do.

Perhaps Jill thought,

"I have done something wrong. I have disobeyed Aslan and nearly forgotten the signs. Thus, he has sent me for punishment into a dark place. If only I had been careful and not fallen into this hole! If only I had known and stayed above the surface."

If she had her wish, and been up at the surface then the Prince could never be found.
Take heart friends, in those times of darkness, who knows but that it is exactly where you are meant to be. Our walks in the darkness are the closest thing to exercising our faith fully...we do not know what is at the end, but we must keep walking, trusting and believing that somehow that which we are called to do will be fulfilled, even if we find ourselves miles below the surface.

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